Filter Assistants
The Filter Assistants available in the Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions help engineers and purchasers to find a part type throughout all the manufacturer catalogs. With only a few clicks the user filters the entire parts database and gets all available components and a or manufacturers as result.
Your benefits
- Components that are frequently searched for can easily and effectively be located
- An individual, intuitive interface with slide controls and selection fields can be easily generated
- The personal Filter Assistants can be saved and made available to other users on the team and for the Classification 2.0
- With the help of the functionality for automatic Filter Assistants, catalogs from the systems are scanned for certain variables. Subsequently, PARTsolutions creates Filter Assistants with the most common variables and the respective minimum and maximum values.
The Filter Assistants help to narrow the results for possible purchased and own parts out of millions to what is needed at the moment, quickly and easily.
Classification 2.0: With the option of selecting a reference part and limitation based on certain parameters, the effort for the manual
allocation of parts into a classification system is reduced.