Unmachined Part Search

The Strategic Parts Management offers a search for raw parts that enables you to find the matching unmachined part on the basis of a finished part within the existing data base.

The software checks if the finished part is at all dimensions smaller than the unmachined part, so that the finished part can be created by removing material from the raw part.

Report about necessary loss rate and overlapping display

CADENAS' Unmachined Part Search additionally calculates how much material has to be removed, that a finished part can be developed from a raw part. In an overlapped display the finished part can be compared visually to the unmachined part.

A report informs you about the available stock and the application fields of the unmachined parts.

Your benefits

  • Supports standardization of parts through unmachined parts
  • Overlapping display of finished part and unmachined part
  • Calculate the accruing cuttings
  • Finished parts are automatically allocated to unmachined parts
  • Searching the other way around is also possible: 
    Which finished parts can be created from an unmachined part?
  • Applicable for castings that are reprocessed